Audio Visual Technician, Lighting Programmer,
Sound Technician and Event Crew Hire Service
Here you will find a list of Singapore event crew, audio visual technician, av technician, sound technician, lighting technician and lighting programmer related booking types.
The audio visual technician, av technician, sound technician, lighting technician and lighting programmer related jobs have been divided into 3 main categories which are event set-up, event management and event teardown.
We can provide event crew resumes and facebook profiles to clients upon confirmation of projects. This is to provide assurance to clients on the qualifications, capabilities and competencies of our event crew, audio visual technician, av technician, sound technician, lighting technician and lighting programmer who will be engaged and deployed in their projects and events.
Event Crew Hire
Audio Visual Technician
AV Technician
Sound Technician
Lighting Technician
Lighting Programmer
Electric Dreamz can provide experienced professional and local event crew for any event or project requirements. For booking of event setup and teardown crew, audio visual technician, av technician, sound technician, lighting technician and lighting programmer you may use our Audio Visual Technician Online Booking Form.
For shorter hours, extended hours and multiple location jobs audio visual technician bookings which are not covered in our online booking form, request for a quote through our online request for quote form. Should you be working on a tight budget, please do provide us with a budget when you are submitting the request for quote form. We will do our best to meet your budgets!
Check out this video on a typical event work day that is expected for your events in Singapore when you,
Hire an event setup and teardown crew
Hire a lighting programmer
Hire a soundman
Hire a video technician
For more information on what is expected visit Online Booking For Event Setup Crew and AV Technicians in Singapore.
Alternatively, you may contact us through email or phone.

Free Value-added Services
Event Coordinator
The Event Coordinator, will be the client point of contact for all our event crew, av technician, audio visual technician, sound technician, lighting technician and lighting programmer deployments. The Event Coordinator oversees the deployment and manages our event crew, audio visual technician av technician, sound technician, lighting technician and lighting programmer.
The Event Coordinator will ensure that the event crew, audio visual technician, av technician, sound technician, lighting technician and lighting programmer are briefed in detail on the project requirements and when required, conduct necessary training. He will be the company representative to attend external trainings, if and when required for unique work requirements. The Event Coordinator will also ensure that the event crew, audio visual technician, av technician, sound technician, lighting technician and lighting programmer are punctual and provide daily or weekly updates. The Event Coordinator will also be in-charge of any logistics support required for the deployment of event crew, audio visual technician, av technician, sound technician, lighting technician and lighting programmer, for example, the collection of uniforms from client.
Event Crew Attendance
The Event Coordinator can also provide daily or weekly event crew, audio visual technician, av technician, sound technician, lighting technician and lighting programmer attendance updates. The frequency of updates as per client requirements. This can be done through two methods, WhatsApp 'Live' updates and through emails.
Event Crew Training
Event Crew, audio visual technician, av technician, sound technician, lighting technician and lighting programmer training can be conducted if and when required by clients for special and unique event and project requirements.
This can be achieved in two ways. Firstly, by the Event Coordinator attending the training and then subsequently training the event crew, audio visual technician, av technician sound technician, lighting technician and lighting programmer. Depending on the duration of training, this can be free or at a mutually agreed minimal low cost. The other option is by the event crew, audio visual technician, av technician, sound technician, lighting technician and lighting programmer attending the training themselves. This will be at a minimal mutually agreed cost.
Event Updates
The Event Coordinator can also provide event or project updates on a daily or weekly basis, as and when required by clients. These can be updates on data collected or other project information required by clients. These can be in different formats such as, 'Live' WhatsApp updates with photos and messages or by emails in Excel or other formats.
24 Hour Service
At Electric Dreamz we understand that clients may require 24 hours service for urgent event and project requirements. We now provide 24 hours service and support for all ongoing event and project related matters.
Other Special Requirements
Should there be any other special unique requirements by clients, we are open and able to assist too.
Contact us for a non-obligatory discussion or request for a quote through our online quote request form.
Audio Visual Technician Online Booking
Visit our online event crew and audio visual technician booking page. Rates and bookings are for audio visual technician, av technician, sound technician, lighting technician and lighting programmer. For non technical related event crew work not involving audio visual and lighting, please contact us for our rate or alternatively, request for a quote through our online quote request form.
For further negotiations, multiple events, shorter hours, extended hours and urgent requirements, please contact us at 85860502.