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Shatter The Backbone Of Stereotypes With Icebreakers At Events

Electric Dreamz, Christine Moller

Updated: Oct 13, 2022

The Electric Dreamz team delights in staying on top of the event planning game in Singapore, with new party ideas and event activities to keep our clients rocking their parties. Help your team interact, laugh and get rid of nervousness right at the onset of your event to maximize team bonding.

How do event companies shatter the backbone of stereotypes with icebreakers at events?

Break the ice with an icebreaker, we have some great suggestions for you.

event company - icebreakers for events
Icebreakers for Events - Event Company

Loo Roll Diaries

Sometimes the silliest ideas deliver the most extraordinary results — or just a very good laugh.

You will need a lot of toilet paper!

Loo Roll Diaries - Event Company

Honesty is important, encourage your participants to be truthful about the amount of loo-paper they use per day as well as the facts they share about themselves. Pass a roll of toilet paper around the group and let each person take as much paper as they normally use in one given day. Surely everyone must have at least one square. Let them walk around and share a personal fact about themselves, for every square of paper they must share one fact.

Everyone can see

Gather in a circle, each person gets a turn to introduce the partner on their left by saying three things about that person. Here is the kink in the cable; the beginning of the sentences is structured in a specific way to start with the following phrases:

Everyone can see…

I heard that…

I think you...

Be prepared for lots of wide-eyed stares and crackling laughter, this game elicits the strangest and funniest response from participants. No-one gets away with boring!

Mobile Puzzle

The concept is simple and can be turned into a more meaningful icebreaker depending on the puzzle picture of your choice. Event planners can take care of printing and creating a puzzle from a picture you supply and match the number of pieces according to the number of participants. Hand out a puzzle piece to each person and let the group mingle to find the pieces that match theirs. The goal is to assemble the complete puzzle as the group manages to match and re-group with more matches.

mobile puzzle - company
Mobile Puzzle - Event Company

Who in the Zoo?

Another silly icebreaker game for your events that guarantees all pretenses and form to dismantle. If is fun for 4-year old’s, it is fun for all. Pass around a hat with labels for each participant to draw one. Every label carries a name of an animal that makes a distinct sound like a lion, bear, monkey or crow. Everyone a the event gets a turn to sound and act out their animal while the team guesses the name.

Event icebreakers might seem childish or silly at times, but the proof is in the pudding. Event companies who introduce activities or start off an event with an icebreaker immediately sets a creative mood for more positive outcomes. Try it — we plan the event — you enjoy the party.

Icebreaker games can also relate to themes, for example, if the event theme is 'Marvel Heroes', the deejay can play the theme song or voices of the character and the guests have to point out who amongst them is related to it.

Choosing the right event emcee for your events is important to ensure that your guests are hyped up from the start of the event with exciting and fun icebreaker games.

Awaken the inner child. On your marks— get set — GO!

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