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Bitcoin - What are bitcoins and why to invest in them?


Updated: Aug 13, 2022


Bitcoin is digital currency which you can use as a store of value, for online and mobile phone transactions for purchase and sale of goods and service, or for trading on cryptocurrency exchanges. To clearly understand what bitcoin is about and why it was created google 'Satoshi's Bitcoin Whitepaper'. Learn more about the inventor, Satoshi Nakamoto through Wikipedia!

Bitcoin - Future of Money

Bitcoin runs on a blockchain, a fully automated ledger recording system that does not require a 3rd party to verify transactions. As such, it costs lower to send money to anyone in the world. Depending on the platform or digital wallet that you use to store your bitcoins, there may be a small service fee, which is nothing compared to what banks and Western Unions charge. Learn all about blockchain technology.

Here are some things to know about bitcoins and the blockchain technology it is running on,

  • never stops running and recording forever, till maybe, if ever the internet stops running!

  • bitcoins grow in value as there is only a maximum of 21,000,000 bitcoins, also known as BTC, that will be created (last bitcoin expected to be created in the year 2040), currently there are about 16,000,000+ bitcoins already created.

  • the bitcoin blockchain technology is not owned by anyone, there is no CEO, so its commonly called the peoples' coin and is run and maintained by the bitcoin community (bitcoin is the only truly decentralized coin in the cryptocurrency market - the rest are owned by companies and run by CEOs).

Bitcoins are also known as BTC

Here is a video that explains why bitcoin is the peoples' coin and why we should be invested in it, not just for the investment value, but for the awesome and invaluable benefits it brings to everyone, regardless of race, language or religion.

Bitcoin is unselfish, Bitcoin is generous, Bitcoin generates and distributes wealth for everyone and anyone. It is an important invention that will bring great value not only for us, but for our children and future generations too. The elderly can finally retire early and have enough wealth to go on holidays and even are able to support their children, till their own investments into bitcoin mature and they start getting paid salary in bitcoins too.

A cycle that is pro-life!

This video elaborates on this particular point.

Electric Dreamz now accepts bitcoin and bitcoin gold payment options and we offer 8% discount on all out event services quoted rates for this payment method. The number of coins to be transferred will depend on the live rates displayed on Coinmarketcap Website at time of transfer. Here are our BTC and BTG wallet deposit addresses (copy and paste deposit wallet address or scan QR code if using a mobile phone.

Pay in Bitcoin


Bitcoin Wallet Address For Event Services Payment - Singapore

Pay in Bitcoin Gold


Bitcoin Gold Wallet Address For Event Services Payment - Singapore

For more information on bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, here are some excellent sites to visit and follow:

Important Note:

Nothing in life is 100%, in 2008 even in US the banks got bankrupt! Invest only what you can afford to lose. You can also consider contributing small sums of money on a weekly and monthly basis to grow your bitcoins slowly over a longer period of time. Exchanges like allow you to set auto weekly or monthly contributions through your linked bank or credit card.

For mobile phone wallets to store your coins, Coinomi is a phone app that can be downloaded for your android or apple mobile phones.

Follow the instructions provided and do not hesitate to contact us through email at or or call us at +65 8586 0502 or +65 6683 9541 should you require any advice or assistance, our doors are open, 24hrs!

You may also submit a request for quote through our online event quote request form.

bitcoin wallet address: 1B9DbAEq19vXMzxWrQyWH3qAWfzHxkijod

bitcoin gold wallet address: GTHDmQF3KPAxbNqCC6sBhQSzE7cRoaSRfa

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